
- I put much thought into my journal
entries and assignments and in how I would organise and create this portfolio. However I was not always deeply thoughtful in my peer interactions, often congratulating or admiring my classmates' entries rather than challenging or attempting to broaden the discussion.   

Thouroughness - I believe this portfolio to be a good and thourough exhibit of my thinking and learning throughout the course. I think I've been quite thourough in my assignments (including checking ideas, spelling, formatting, etc) except for week 10 when life and the semester came to a crescendo and I did not pay as much attention to instructions or my work as I usually do.  
*I would like to note here that I am aware that some pages of this website are not double spaced as requested in our instructions. When I could not get these rogue pages to double space I briefly considered abandoning the website idea for this portfolio but, in the end, I decided double spacing to be a worthy sacrifice to make for all the tools available in the website format.  

Self-Understanding - I believe I demonstrated that my self-understanding over the past several weeks has grown and that it will continue to grow, in part, due to this course's material. 

Professionalism - In this catagory I do wonder if my sense of humour might distract from the professionalism of my work. But then there was a lot good humour in our course reader and some of our readings so I will assume not and give myself full points for professionalism in my work and interactions. 


- Despite the exception mentioned above I would say I was very disciplined this semester, starting my portfolio in week 3 and getting assignments in on time - even the week I feared I would need an extention

Understanding - I feel I understand the course material and that this is demonstrated in this portfolio and especially in my final entry.

Insight - I had a few "a-ha" moments, accounted for in my journal entries. Especially impactful was the first progess log task where we examined when we feel safe, loved, powerful, free, and pleasured, which gave me a huge insight on why I want to be a counsellor and how what I've always thought of as my need to help others is also how I get what I need. That, and finding out about learning types - no one is safe now!   

Applicability - I am and have been applying what I'm learning in my life, volunteer work and in my other courses. In addition, I think what I have chosen to include in this portfolio, my journal entries, and my interactions have all been applicable to this course.

Originality - I am not quite sure how to judge this. If I go by the questions being asked about the portfolio on webCT then I think making a website is quite original. To tell the truth I was not thinking of being original as much as being authentic and that, hopefully, is something everyone was going for. 

Self-evaluated grade for this portfolio: A